
Isaiah 61  Men

A Guide for Pastors providing trauma informed ministry and Christian survivors applying redemptive theology 

He heals the broken hearted

  I certainly had my heart broken when I was sexually abused in my early childhood.

and pray for a fulfillmnt of Isaiah 61

that God will heal my broken heart

     I would find it helpful for you to pray asking God to heal my broken heart.

   it may be a process

   the process begins and continues in prayer over time.







It's ok for you or the survivor to cry.

     tears are God's gift to us.

sometimes we cry it out.

   some are so numb that crying hasn't come


  So there is no need for concern

     if we cry  we are still in control

 crying is natural


simply let us cry it out

offer comfort

and reassurance

crying is ok

       sometimes crying  is  a sign  of the numbness thawing out which is  a very positive step.


Reading Recomended

 The more you are briefed the better.

Most survivor support organisations

have briefing papers

on their websites.


Blue Knott Foundation

Pastors are welcome to ring

"Praise the Lord!

He heals the brokenhearted

and binds up their wounds"

          Psalm 147 v1, 3.